Part 16: Episode XVI: The Bandit of Le Havre

Episode XVI : The Bandit of Le Havre

Music: Old Smudged Map ~ Europe
Our journey to the dreadlands of vile Wales continues as we arrive in the port city of Le Havre. For reference sake, that means the minecart ride took the party roughly 200 kilometers. The Parisian metro plans were apparently ambitious to say the least.
We are now are par with Sting as far as our rankings go. It's a toss-up whether they mean the guy from The Police or the WCW.
The rankings on this screen sound like a series of awkwardly translated rap lyrics. MC Demon Sergeant could drop a beat.
I'm going to give it to the next proper dungeon before these stats start dropping.
I'm surprised they keep Nicolai on the total battles stat screen. Spoilers: He will NOT be rejoining us at any point in the game. The Director's Cut version of the game that never left Japan has a bonus dungeon where he's briefly playable again alongside Lenny and Veronica. They never finished that part for this version, unfortunately.

Music: Town of Twilight ~ European Town
Well that is the Score screen update. Let's move onto brighter horizons like a brand new village to explore. If you'll recall, our goal was to charter a boat to Wales to talk to Roger Bacon to see if he knows anything about sorting out Yuri's new curse and the whole cult wanting to kill them thing. You know, the same Roger Bacon that we saw get kidnapped by Lenny immediately after the CGI intro. But the party doesnt know about that. Details... Our quest continues! By naturally badgering townsfolk going about their day...

As we continue around the corner, we see a familiar truck. I was not fucking about with the comparison to DMCV Nico with the brothers Magimel. But before we approach that, there is an item in the corner and it is...
Hey, Seals are back. There is no longer the in-battle thing they had in the first game. Just use them. You get a stat boost! The End! Use them! That's one more point of resistance against magic attacks! I don't honestly know if that mechanically means a goddamn thing. But it sounds good on paper!

So Gerard does have new armor in his shop but maybe we should look around Le Havre first before investing. As you do...
Hmm... Let's keep that factoid in the back pocket...

Again... Let's not worry about this plight yet! We just got into town! Let's go across the bridge here and see what is happening.
She can literally block your path extremely hard in a weird NPC pathing way that nobody else in the game can. I don't know if that's the joke.
OK. We have some direction now from Unemployed Henry. Much more importantly, if Yuri ventures JUST past him we get a new scene with our old pal Ring Soul. This is obviously important!

Another Attack Boost. We could, in theory, give this to Blanca/Yuri/Karin to boost them to the max of four strikes. But we're just going to hang onto it a bit for now.

Ring Soul vanishes.

We're done going that direction for now. Let's double back and head toward the docks. Logically... there's probably a boat somewhere there, right?

It just so happens the mayor's manor is just down the street. But first! As soon as we approach a man nearby the boat captain, we're automatically pulled into a mandatory conversation.


The Lottery sidequest from the original Shadow Hearts has returned. It is... virtually identical. We need to find Lottery Tickets, most of which are hidden in the world (not QUITE as obscurely placed as the first game, but...) If we are carrying a Lottery Ticket then NPCs relevant to the quest will suddenly transmogrify into Lottery Member No.XX. We then need to do a rather difficult Judgment Ring spin to gain a prize. It's once more required to gain at least one prize from every Lottery Ticket member in the world. Although this time around, I think it's impossible to fail this quest this time around. Covenant definitely has missable content but it is mostly reserved to dungeons. There is no actual THE FIRST HALF OF THE GAME IS GONE FOREVER NOW split in the story.
In any event, we gained the Bathin Crest from winning the top prize which includes two pretty decent spells. Having an actual spell that can just delete Status Abnormalities is PRETTY good considering that was mostly the realm of consumables in Koudelka 2.
Just past the Lottery Member, we can find Extremely Poor Mahone camping out. Nothing much to be done there. But what is important is that treasure chest next to him.
Extremely Poor Mahone said he's hungry, not cold. So he won't mind if we steal this set of armor. This is a +17 Physical and +19 Special Defense armor that only Blanca and Gepetto can wear at the moment. I'd be pretty into seeing Blanca don a big think fur coat and go about this day. Either way, thats the more expensive of the two new available armors back in the Brothers' shop (900 Cash.) So a freebie is nice to our wallet.
Doubling back the way we came and continuing past Lottery Member Fox, we find the Mayor's House at the end of the street.
Naturally, the first thing to do when approaching the domicile of a potential new employer is to break into their garage and steal some of their shit. As you do.
We've got one of the more useless accessories in the game back here. We want to avoid hitting the Berserk status if we can help it. Having the whole party gain it and having the option to flee the battle we'd have to REALLY be fucking up to get in that situation does not exactly sound worthy of an accessory slot.
Now that we've rifled through the garage, let's enter the immediately opulent to the point this mayor is definitely going to turn out to be evil mayoral mansion.
As soon as we enter the hall, an assortment of what can only be referred to as cartoonishly shady goons walk down from either end of the central stairs to address the party.

The Mayor also descends the stairs to address the visitors.


Mayor Leonard waddles over and stares directly at Karin's chest for a few seconds. As you do.
The mayor then trots over to a chair that clearly could not begin to support his frame and has a no-clip seat.

So we've got a job to do. Yuri did defeat multiple wizards and a space god once. A bandit in northern France can't be that much more taxing. We do need to talk with the Mayor and his entourage to progress. But there is something hidden in this room. A Lottery Ticket! Can you discover the first hidden one? No, there is not any visual indications. No shiny glowies. Nadda.
Of course, it's in the stuffed bear's head! That was an easy one. They'll get more Sierra and Roberta Williams hates your guts tricky later in the game.
Also, I'd just like to remind you how the Mayor and company entered the scene -- all coming from the top of the stairs. If we... actually go to the top of the stairs, there are no rooms up here. It's just a balcony with a low-resolution picture of the mayor. What were they all doing up here and why? The world may never know. Anyway, let's talk to these clowns further.


And with that, nighttime has instantly descended on Le Havre. Welp. Let's get to this patrol.

We'll let them handle that direction and head the opposite way. Now that night has fallen, everyone has some new dialogue for our vigilante patrol.



This all clearly seems on the level. While we're here, we can return the La Cage Aux Songes shop and pick up that armor we skipped earlier.
The Leather Cloak is a +19 Physical/+17 Special Defense armor that for some reason Gepetto is unable to wear but everyone else it constitutes a decent upgrade. It is 840 Cash a pop. We can safely sell our old threads (at 5% mark-up) to recoup a chunk of the losses.
After inventory management is sorted out, the party has to make their way to the very south of Le Havre back to Unemployed Henry. Nothing is found here. But as soon as we head back the way we came...

We'd best hurry back to the warehouse where our NPC allies were patrolling.

Music: Suffocation ~ Grim Atmosphere


Music: Grand Papillon!! ~ Pro Wrestler (Listen to this corny shit right now!)




Just a sec here, gotta hoist up this full coffin left earlier on the scene.


Music: ENDS

What? Huh? Indeed. Tune in next time for the further startling adventures of Grand Papillon!

Video: Grand Papillon Appears!! (Go watch this immediately.)

Grand Papillon Concept Art - Who IS the mysterious Grand Papillon?!